Centered in Christ-Focused on the Reaching the World
Sugar Grove Christian Church
Radio- For over 50 years Sugar Grove has broadcast their one-minute Mini-Message series on WMST Radio 1150 Mt. Sterling. They are heard weekday mornings on an every other month schedule.
Youth- Our Morning Services include Childrens Time with the minister then dismiss for Wee Worship and Junior Church. Each Sunday there are Sunday School classes for all ages and Youth Groups i. Activities are planned for different groups. Vacation Bible School each summer. Scholarships are provided to attend Church camp. There are Holiday parties, Trunk or Treat, Concerts, and road trips.
Benevolent Committee- Sugar Grove maintains a fund to assist members and others who has crisis and are in need of temporary financial help. A committee approves those emergencies and distributes the money. Several organizations are budgeted monthly including the Hispanic Outreach Health Dept ministry, The Christian Social Services, and Hope Hill Childrens Home of Mt. Sterling. Committee members are, G.D. Coyle, Chad Stigall, Cathi Walters, Cindy Carmichael, Richard Willoughby,
CIA- Christians in Action is the Ladies Group at Sugar Grove. They meet the first Sunday of every month and are active in many areas.. They do Sunshine Boxes for the sick, card boxes, take in meals, funeral meals. They prepare college boxes for students away at college. The Angel Memorial tree raises funds for Christmas gifts for the needy. They plan and carry out special dinners and programs. The Sunday School treasury sends flowers and gifts to the sick and bereaved. Many of our ladies also have their Thursday Bible Study group. The group also sponsors mission efforts such as feeding programs in Mexico, Hope Center for Pregnant mothers and others. For SENIOR CITIZENS, there is a monthly lunch at the Community Center, with games, fellowship, devotions as well as outings.
One Call Prayer Chain- Sugar Grove has a one-call system where everyone is notified by phone message of any prayer needs, announcements, cancellations, etc. To have a request sent to all the church members, you can notify Denise McGuire 859-274-2792 and give her the message you want to send or prayer request. You can also call Celia Hornback 606 336-1902. You can also send a text to these cell numbers. If you are not on the one-call system, contact us. If you need to ever hear the latest message you can dial 1-877-698-3261 and press 1 when prompted. Messages are also left on your phone if you are unable to answer. In addition, we continue to post announcements on the Facebook page that will send you an e-mail advisory.
Library- Sugar Grove maintains a large library of books, videos and cassettes for check out. These include Christian fiction, Doctrinal studies, Reference books and the latest best sellers. A special section is set up for children.
Music- Our music in worship consists of piano and organ and a mixture of traditional songs and hymns/ Powerpoint presentation of CHURCH pictures, announcements, etc. before service. We have praise team and instrumental band to begin service each weel/s. Sugar Grove hosts many concerts of local groups
All songs are projected for audience.
Community Center- Our center is open to the community for parties, reunions and dinner events. The church holds many fellowship dinners. Our youth use it for basketball, corn hole, ping pong, air hockey and other games as well. It has a full kitchen and seats over 200 for a dinner. An aprtment
and storage for mission trips located upstairs.
Greeter- Our newsletter the Sugar Grove Greeter has been published for over 50 years and features Bible-based articles, pictures and announcements. It is published 5 times yearly. The Mexico Messenger newsletter is sent monthly, Sign up for either.
Small Groups- Several small group Bible Studies and Classes for various age groups, senior women and young adults.