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Missions Committee:, Stacy Stull,, Jose Reyna, Brian Carter, Mike McGuire, Denise McGuire, G.D.Coyle, Melanie Kelley Francis Nash

Sugar Grove...

The Church with a Global Vision

Sugar Grove is the trustee and a major supporter of Workers for Mexico Mission, an extensive work in Mexico supporting over 50 ministers, churches in 13 states and assisting students and children through benevolent works, camp programs, deaf ministry-Con Mis Manos School, medical and dental clinics, and training through a University- Universidad Cristiana de Mexico in Queretaro.   In addition, monthly support is provided to missions at home and around the world… with   TCM Int’l Training Center in Austria; The Gebhard Family, Pioneer Bible Translators in Guinea, West Africa with unreached groups; Hostetter Ghana Christian Mission in Africa; Int’l Disaster and Emergency Services, bringing relief to areas around the world after disasters; Pakistan Chrsitian Mission,  Good News Intl, with ministry to Islamic and to unreached lands; Orchard Group Mission church-planting work in New England; CSMI India Mission-Lydia Abbott; Christian Student Fellowship at the University of Kentucky; Grundy Mountain Mission, for troubled and needy youth. and Kentucky Christian University.


Missions are supported through offerings at Christmas and the last Sunday of each month and the funds are overseen by the church mission committee. Additional funds are raised for Mission trips, construction projects in Mexico and special events.


A church benevolent fund supports local Social services including, Bath Co. Christian Social Services. Hope Hill Childrens Home, and individual church family emergency needs and is overseen by a Benevolent committee .

Mexico Mission Trips


    Since the early 90s. SUGAR GROVE has been on yearly mission trips to Mexico..  95 different members have gone of at least one trip and many have gone dozens of times. SGCC members have also lead over 125 individuals from other churches on work trips.      Trips are currently on hold due to issues in Mexico .

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